First Time to Visit? Here's What to Expect on a Sunday Morning
Parking: Please look for the visitor parking spaces marked on the front row, to the left of the main doors.
Pre-Service: Donuts and coffee are available in the refreshment room to the right of the lobby. Connect cards will be available on the lobby table; if you have prayer requests or contact information to share, place the card in the offering plates at the back of the sanctuary.
What does a normal worship service look like? Songs led by the praise team, a Bible based sermon, an opportunity to pray. An offering will be taken, but guests are not expected to give!
Music service: Our praise team sings mostly contemporary praise and worship with a few favorite hymns.
Children: The first Sunday of each month is Family Sunday and all children remain in the worship service. The rest of the month, children participate in music worship in the sanctuary and then are dismissed to preschool church (3-5) or children's church (K-6th). Children are always welcome to remain in service with their parents.
Nursery is available each Sunday for children under 3 years. Children are always welcome to remain in service with their parents.
Attire: Our congregation ranges from business casual to jeans. Please don’t feel obligated to dress a certain way.
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ASL Interpretation available. Email for more info.